Monday 28 October 2013


The charges against singer Chris Brown and his bodyguard stemming from a weekend fight were reduced to simple assault misdemeanors Monday.

The two men, who had spent the previous 36 hours in a Washington jail, entered a packed courtroom in leg irons and handcuffs,but at the end they were unshackled and released without bail Monday afternoon.

Brown, 24, was ordered to report to his California probation officer within 48 hours and to stay at least 100 yards away from the man he is accused of assaulting early Sunday. Both men must return to court on November 24.

"Christopher Brown committed no crime," his attorney Danny Onorato told reporters after the hearing. "We understand that his security acted to protect Mr. Brown and his property, as he is authorized to do under District of Columbia law. We are confident that Mr. Brown will be exonerated of any wrongdoing."

He and bodyguard Christopher Hollosy had been facing felony assault charges,the Washington Metropolitan Police Department said.The arrest could have serious legal consequences for Brown because he is on probation for the felony domestic violence conviction relating to his 2009 attack on former girlfriend Rihanna.

The Los Angeles County district attorney's office is not commenting Monday about Brown's arrest, but prosecutors have been aggressive in the past year in monitoring Brown's compliance with rules of his California probation.They have twice filed probation violation charges against the singer this year, resulting in an additional 1,000 hours of community labor being added to his sentence for beating Rihanna.

The next step in Los Angeles is for Brown's probation officer to prepare a report on the arrest for Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James Brandlin, who had already ordered Brown to appear in his court on November 20 for a probation status hearing.Police say Brown and Hollosy attacked a man with their fists outside the W Hotel in downtown Washington at 4:25 a.m. Sunday.

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