Monday 28 October 2013


Kanye and Kim
If you think Kanye West's proposal to Kim Kardashian was over the top, just wait for the wedding. On Monday, Oct. 28, the hip hop star stopped by radio station Power 106 for an interview with Big Boy Neighborhood, in which he hinted that there'd be some big surprises -- bigger than both the baseball stadium where he popped the question and Kardashian's massive diamond ring -- when he and his fiancee eventually tie the knot.

Confessing to Big Boy that the couple are aiming to marry sometime "next summer," the 36-year-old "Black Skinhead" rapper offered just one other tantalizing tease."Two words," he said when asked about the wedding. "Fighter jets."
Given West's penchant for grand romantic gestures -- and his very high opinion of himself and "his girl" -- fighter jets might actually be within the realm of possibility. One thing is certain: It's going to take something pretty huge to top his marriage proposal at San Francisco's AT&T Park. 

"I gotta apologize to the race of males for turning it up so much," the aspiring designer quipped of setting the bar so high for other men plotting their own proposals.Asked whether he had any pre-proposal jitters, West admitted: "I was nervous a little bit. But more about everything being on cue."

"They didn't have the lights exactly how I wanted them to be," he added, noting that he and the technician he'd hired had argued over how "romantic" the ambience should be.

Indeed, West left no detail unattended to when he was planning the proposal. "[Kim] knew I was eventually going to ask her to marry me," he told Big Boy. "I just had to get that ring right. I worked with four different jewelers. Three rings were made and only one actually hit the finger...I actually changed the ring the night before. That ring was less than four hours old when I gave it to her."

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