Sunday 27 October 2013


The Executive Secretary of Anti-Corruption Network group, Dino Melaye, has declared that the battle to unseat the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah over the controversy surrounding the acquisition of two armoured cars for the minister’s use by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA).

Melaye, who was arrested last week for leading a group of protesters demanding the minister’s sack in Abuja but was later released, said the network had already given the go-ahead to its lawyers to commence legal action on the matter.

“Our lawyers are putting together the legal papers and we will be in court next week to press further on this issue of Stella Oduah and her armoured cars. We are looking at it from three perspectives. One, was the money appropriated for? We would like the court to determine that. Does the minister have powers to approve above N100 million? The third is, was due process followed in the illegal contract,” he said.

It would be recalled that President Goodluck Jonathan before he jetted out of the country Wednesday night, constituted a 3-man investigative panel to probe the purchase of the vehicles said to have cost about $1.6million (N255m).

But Melaye dismissed the panel set-up by Mr. Jonathan saying the first thing the president ought to have done was relieve Ms. Oduah of her job as not to be an impediment to a proper investigation of the allegations.


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