Saturday 19 October 2013


A New Hampshire waitress who picked up lunch bill for two National Guard soldiers affected by the federal government's shutdown has been repaid for her kind gestures by television star Ellen DeGeneres.

Sarah Hoidahl, a waitress in Concord, N.H.,just wanted to do a nice thing for the soldiers, so she recently picked up their lunch bill.It cost her $27.75.On Friday,DeGeneres squared the tab and then some,giving Hoidahl $27.75 in cash and a check for $10,000 and a 50-inch television.

An emotional Hoidahl buried her face in her hands and thanked DeGeneres as the talk show host repeated "You're a good person."
The 21-year-old single mother,who apparently has friends in the military,heard them discussing the government shutdown and mention they were not getting paid.

After they had finished their lunch, instead of delivering the soldiers a cheque, she sent them a note.

It read: "Thanks to the government shutdown the people like you that protect this country are not getting paid, however I still am."Lunch is on me thank you for serving ladies! Have a good day!"

DeGeneres caught wind of Hoidahl's act of kindness when the New Hampshire National Guard posted a picture on its Facebook page.

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